What is Holden's view of women and girls in The Catcher in the Rye? Salinger uses society as the source of discord in this case to be isolated from. Another epithet that was used by the author in his novel is hardly ever listened (J. D. Salinger: 6) This is a reserved epithet because it is composed of two words linked by a preposition and it was chosen in order to point out to the reader that speech of old Spenser was not a clear one and not understandable one for the listener. Historical Context Essay: Mental Health in the Mid-Twentieth Century, Literary Context Essay: Vernacular Language & The Catcher in the Rye. Holden has already demonstrated that he fears and does not know how to deal with conflict, confusion, and change. As was pointed out, The Catcher in the Rye contains several words and expressions that are used mainly in American English or have a different meaning in American and British English. Franny and Zooey, NY, Bantam1964: Goodman, Anne. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. It completely unsettles him, and leaves him feeling confused and unsure. Holden then asks Stradlater who the girl he was dating was. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are From these two parts in different languages could be resulted that were used different types of translation difficulties in order to give the smallest basic elements that couldnt be seen without analyzing these two parts and taking into account the main element that mast be discussed translation difficulties. In this chapter should be tried to focus mainly on the social and cultural contexts from the USA and Romania, as well as on some linguistic problems raised by Salingers use of highly colloquial and taboo language in The Catcher. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. I think the point the author is trying to make is that Holden is terrified about the unpredictable challenges of the world. Modernist writers were more acutely conscious of the objectivity of their surroundings. So they gave up looking.. An idiom or fixed expression may have a similar counterpart in the target language, but its context of use may be different; the two expressions may have different connotations, for instance, or they may not be pragmatically transferable. The glove was covered with poems which Allie had written on it so he could read them when he became bored in the outfield. When Holden is writing a composition about a baseball glove for Stradlater, he reminisces about his little brother, Allie, who dies because of his sickness in which was leukemia. Polyseme in the same time is the capacity for a sign (e.g., a word, phrase, etc.) Holden has just left his parents' apartment, following his conversation with Phoebe, and he is reaching a point of critical instability, is having just burst into tears when Phoebe lent him her Christmas money. In literature and writing, a stylistic device is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to the literal or written. Also after such investigations was pointed out all the types of lexical peculiarities in J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Ray.. The Romanian version of the Salingers The Catcher in the Rye is based the interpretation. "Mad about Children." Salinger is one of the best twentieth-century America authors. The real thing, with the curtain of language somehow made transparent. He had lost his athletic scholarship and could not afford tuition. Once the expression is identified, the next problem consists in decoding it. But it is what we aim at. Generally speaking, the more difficult an expression is to understand and the less sense it makes in a given context, the more likely a translator will recognize it as an idiom. The conclusion is that although such cases of suppression or censure of the ST are not desirable or should never happen, in reality they do exist (and this chapter has offered some examples in point), but the fact that more and more people take interest in such situations may indicate that they may stop occurring in the future. Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. In translation, both the source language and the target one are important. A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. Intra-lingual translation or rewording (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language). Use of short sentences and AND clauses that link short sentences: That isnt too far from this crumby place. Indeed, the cynicism that Holden uses to avoid expressing his feelings may result from Allies death. He believes that once you mature you are phony, and he does his best to make sure that he does not become phony. My Holden's definition of phoniness relies mostly on a kind of self-deception: he seems to reserve the most scorn for people who think that they are something they are not or who refuses to acknowledge their own weaknesses. in Davis 317), The Catcher in the Rye has been banned continually from schools, libraries, and bookstores due to its profanity, sexual subject matter, and rejection of some traditional American ideals. In the words of Nida and Taber (1974): Translating consists of reproducing, in the target language, the nearest equivalent to the message in the source language, in the first place in the semantic aspect and, in the second place, in the stylistic aspect. But in real-world relationships, people talk back, and Phoebe reveals how different her childhood is from Holden's romanticized notion. A translation should always include the tasks and the qualities (or even the standards) a translation should perform. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. Holdens curiosity about where the ducks go during winter shows a more genuine and youthful side to his character. One must remember, however, in the study and critique of the novel, particularly for a researcher or critic in 1996 that the story was written in a different time. This may be intended to explain why he doesn't write about his adventures and misadventures in New York until some time after these events have occurred. . Discount, Discount Code In a New York Times op-ed piece published after J. D. Salingers recent death, David Lodge charged that many of Salingers critics simply didnt get his work, particularly his post-Catcher in the Rye and Nine Stories work. Latest answer posted November 15, 2019 at 6:03:44 PM. Why does Ackley annoy Holden? To show the definition of the translation difficulties and to identify the types that could exist; To describe the main features of J. D. Salingers work The Catcher in the Rye; To make a clear deffinition of the lexical peculiarities and to point the types of this peculiarities for identification of them in the Salinger's work The Catcher in the Rye; To analize Salinger's work and to identify the translation difficulties in The Catcher in the Rye.; To identify the main meaning of the words that were used by the author in the order to point out their function in the context; To point out the usage of the lexical peculiarities and translation difficulties in the analysed text; To investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of translation in J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Rye. This chapter has also centered on presenting the major themes from Salingers literary highpoint, his novel and his Nine Stories collection. But nonetheless as the book developments, Carl starts to learn initiative and he catches a job at a barge and starts to bring money in. They are sometimes called dead metaphors. Several years before, Allie died of leukemia. From the investigated material was defined that: A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. Holden likes his writing and talks about how he likes his writing and he supports him. What Stradlater did not expect was that Holden would write about his late brother's baseball glove. Jerome David "J. D." Salinger is an American author, best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as his reclusive nature. By the late 1950s, as Salinger became more reclusive and involved in religious study, Hamilton notes that his stories became longer, less plot-driven, and increasingly filled with digression and parenthetical remarks. Transposition is required when the English sentence contains a large group of nouns with indefinite article and then it is natural that they, being the center of informative message are placed at the end of the sentence. his brevity, conciseness and concentration of style; his attentiveness to details and to exact dates and facts; his constant reference to parts of the human body; his leitmotif of the letter or note; his constant way of picturing certain female characters painting their nails or toenail or the recurrent motif of a man holding a childs feet; his constant references to colors and the symbolism within colors; his penchant for coining new words or changing different parts of speech into others; his inclination of dealing with psychological problems in his fiction; his tendency to use the pattern of sequencesequence in his characters namesin his themes, etc. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. Home from his date, Stradlater barges into the room. Who is Holden talking to? number: 206095338, E-mail us: What is their relationship? Log in here. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Therefore omission and supplementation are frequently combined with other types of grammatical transformations and more frequently with substitution of parts of speech. But the impossibility of such a fantasy is the tragedy of Holden's situation: rather than face the challenges around him, he retreats to a fantasy world of his own making. The comparisons that were used in The Cather in the Ray are pretty as hell (J.D.Salinger:12) through this stylistic devices the author pointed out to the reader the that everything in Holdens life which was worse was compared with the source of the bad things which is HELL, and the usage of this word by the author showed to the reader that there are no any another bad places like HELL. Language metaphors are stock metaphors. Holden wouldn't stop talking about Jane and kept calling him a moron and insulting him Where did Holden go immediately after the fight? . The terms 'explain' or 'explanation,' et cetera is frequently used in arguments. The object of this research paper can be considered as one that gives the detailed review of the translation difficulties. . Romanian version imitates indeed the way teenagers speak nowadays and uses more colorful equivalents and expressions than the first version. When Stradlater nonchalantly refuses to tell Holden any of the details, Holden attacks him, but Stradlater pins him to the floor and tries to get him to calm down. The second problem consists in the identification of phraseologisms under a given entry: "to be between hammer and anvil" can be found under the words "between", or "anvil", or "hammer", or "be", but certainly if it is present under one entry it is absent in all the other entries, otherwise the dictionary would be too redundant. a. Holden tore the composition he had written for Stradlater because he was supposed to write about a room or a house instead he had written it about his brothers left handed baseball mitt. assignments. What happens to Holden after his date with Sally Hayes and his meeting with Carl Luce both end badly? These differences are related to peculiar features of separate words or word groups. Holden's isolation is expressed in the fact that while Stradlater goes out on a date,Holden is all alone in his dorm room, doing homework for his roommate. Stuff may also refer to: This word appear in the novel from the first pages ofthe noveland the author used the all meanings of the word stuff. To respect, whenever possible, all the syntax and lexical repetitions, shoot the bull = telling lies, small talk. Afterward, he smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater. . Holden tells us the symbolic meaning of the museum's displays: they appeal to him because they are frozen and unchanging. Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. Salinger's writing style is pointed out through a very open and explicit way. Each language can form uncountable number new word combinations that will be understood by its bearers. He likes it when things are very simple and easily understandable. The third problem is the use of bilingual dictionaries. aldi chip shop curry sauce; 890 mountain home rd, woodside, ca 94062 owner; utica . Every statement made about the work by a reader of the translation should also be true of the original text. Identical stylistic devices are used differently in languages; they perform different functions and have different value in stylistic system of their language what actually explains their necessity when transformations in translation occur. The main difficulties involved in translating idioms and fixed expressions may be summarized as follows: Like single words, idioms and fixed expressions may be culture-specific. If the two senses of the same word do not seem to fit, yet seem related, then it is likely that they are polysemous. burlesque examples in catcher in the rye burlesque examples in catcher in the rye With his other work, we can see what Holden can become or what Salinger has already experienced in the character of Sargent X in "For Esme- With Love and Squalor". The first point that would be discussed in this thesis is Lexical peculiarities which are one of the main characteristic of the defining the main features of the text. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Catcher in the Rye! Holden nevertheless does shoot people in his own way: when he is in this cynical frame of mind, he expends all of his mental energy denigrating the people around him. [18]. I need at least one quote for support. The main strategy used was the practical act of comparing the above-mentioned versions, focusing on the importance of Salingers writing style and use of language (already discussed in the first chapters), on discussing mainly the cases of misunderstandings and mistranslations, of problems of equivalence, of losses and gains, of linguistic untranslatability, of the translators visibility or invisibility in the TT, on accuracy in translation, adaptability, fidelity and faithfulness or infidelityall these cases seconded by examples in point and by my personal suggestions of other possible translations of certain (more challenging) words or passages from Salingers novel. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in: it's the world of his catcher in the rye fantasy, a world where nothing ever changes, where everything is simple, understandable, and infinite. Holden's curiosity about where the ducks go during the winter reveals a genuine, more youthful side to his character. He thinks the line is If a body catch a body comin' through the rye, but the actual lyric is If a body meet a body, coming through the rye.. The Catcher In the Rye are both among the most important novels of the twentieth century. One of the most important translation difficulties is grammatical translation difficulties which is the hardest one in the identification and in the same time which change the structure and the meaning of the words from the source text into target text. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield. Holden is a 16-year-old boy who is struggling with the aftermath of his younger brother's death. This type of code switching is translation proper, the object of Translation Studies. Just got back from New York with fencing team and because he was on his way to say goodbye to Mr.Spencer. It gets great importance while making translation to add or omit some words since the structures of languages are quite different. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Dont have an account? And hes also an important influence for writers as Harold Brodkey or the two Pulitzer Prize- winners John Updike and Philip Roth. Salinger uses much of the Zen philosophy, as in the case of Nine Stories, to achieve this liberation. Log in here. The real thing, with the curtain of language somehow made transparent. The researched material showed all the types of translation difficulties used in the work The Catcher in the Ray by the author. The consequent need for a unifying function brought about a growth in the political importance of culture. From History to Procedures, Zainurrahman 2009; http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary; http://lobeckta.tripod.com/carnavaldebinche/id7.html; Roderick A. Jacobs, English Syntax, A Grammar for English Language Professionals, Oxford University Press 1995; Salinger J. D. , The Catcher in the Ray, Penguin Book/Group 1958; Thesaurus of American Slang. Salinger had a very big number of important influences as Kafka, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Keats, Lorca, Rimbaud, Burns, Jane Austen or Coleridge. Holden tears the composition up and throws it away angrily. To present the main features of the Modernist Period; To point out all the aspects that influenced the writer J. D. Salinger to write the prominent work The Catcher in the Rye. Latest answer posted April 29, 2021 at 3:04:20 PM. Latest answer posted March 19, 2020 at 11:46:52 PM. There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. Ccrowther Jonathan and Cavanagh Katchryn, Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press 2003; Printice Hall Literature American Experience, Second Edition, Printice Hall Edgewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Needham Massachusetts 1991; Crystal, David, The English Language. For most of the book, he sounds like a grumpy old man who is angry at the world, but his search for the ducks represents the curiosity of youth and a joyful willingness to encounter the mysteries of the world. The semantics of a word reflects different signs of the subject and the relation of its meanings to other objects it denotes. Does Holden hate Stradlater? Life is a game that one plays according to the rules., [Ackley] took another look at my hat . The Modernists constructed their works out of fragments, omitting the exposition, transitions, resolutions, and explanations used in traditional literature. Rev. SparkNotes PLUS The translation process from one language into another is inevitable without necessary grammatical transformations (change of structure). Here, we see how deeply his desire for independence is connected to his feeling of alienation, to the bitterness he has for the rest of the world. We could think that The Catcher in the Rye is next to the classical humour (for example, two Mark Twai`s works: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. What does Stradlater ask Holden to write for him? The well-known representatives of this period are Ernest Hemingway with his writings The Sun Also Rise and A Farewell to Arms.. A word is judged to be polysemous if it has two senses of the word whose meanings are related. Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. Simile is a more cautious form of metaphor. He doesn't say yes directly because he doesn't want to write it for him. Alex Gross, The Theories of Translation. This novel revolutionised the society of the Fifties; as well as the style of J.D. Salinger has the power to disconnect between his adorated teenagers and phony adults: he magnifies childrens intelligence; so we can say that the kind of language used in this novel is not monotonous. While applying some grammatical or lexical transformation in translation the translator is guided by principle of rendering grammatical of lexical meaning. In conclusion can be said that a translation does not necessarily have to be better than another one, all it has to do is to achieve its goal and reach its target audience successfully. 20% Although he encounters opportunities for both physical and emotional intimacy, he bungles them all, wrapping himself in a psychological armor of critical cynicism and bitterness. This chapter will point out the activity of one of the main representative of the 20th century J.D.Salinser and critics about one of the well-known writing of this writer The Catcher in the Rye. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield. He used to be just a regular writer, when he was home. The third type of difficulty is the need to be sensitive to total context, including the intended audience of the translation. They think that society is harmful and they dont like to be in it. What is their relationship? Allie is a special person to Holden because of his intelligence and kindness, When Holden accepted the favor of writing Stradlater's composition, Holden has also accepted an obstacle in his time during his stay in Pencey Prep. . . For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! The main reasons for the novels extensive banning refer to the colloquial and slang language used by Holden Caulfield and to the books sexual content. It wouldnt come off. The problem is to find a translating expression. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. To this group belong international words, some words of human perception, mental activity. There are three symbols unparticular that are used most regularly in the novel. In its broad meaning, the term impliestransmutationand can be illustrated by decoding some ideas and themes expressed, for example, in a poem through the language of music or dance. She had lived next door to Holden before he came to Pencey. In. They played checkers and became good friends. Louis Menand agrees, writing in The New Yorker that Salinger "stopped writing stories, in the conventional sense. He seemed to lose interest in fiction as an art formperhaps he thought there was something manipulative or inauthentic about literary device and authorial control." Holden seems to feel increasing pressure as he moves toward leaving school, and Salinger manipulates the details of Holdens physical environment to match his protagonists feelings. The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Salinger. I need at least one quote for support. First, they dont contain all phraseologisms, then because every day new ones are formed, and lastly because dictionaries have a limited length and cannot contain all. Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. He ran a tired hand through his hair.The word tired logically is linked with he, syntactically with hand. The author begins the novel with the using of the stylistic devices such as comparison like touchy as hell(J. D. Salinger: 1) through this stylistic devices the author wanted to point out besides his positive point of view about all his parents but also he had some negative thoughts about his parents. Therefore, the point that the author is trying to make is that the presence of the hat, mirrors the major conflict of the book which is Holdens need for isolation versus his need for companionship. Yet the novel is not without its sharp advocates, who argue that it is a critical look at the problems facing American youth during the 1950's. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game, all rightI'll admit that. Loneliness is the emotional manifestation of the alienation Holden experiences; it is both a source of great pain and a source of his security. As he finishes the essay, Holden can hear Ackley snoring and comments that one has to feel sorry for Ackley when one considers all the problems he has.". Idiomatic and fixed expressions have individual collocational patterns. Holden annoys Stradlater by writing the composition about a baseball glove rather than about a room or . Lexical peculiarities that characterise this novel and the style of the author are Themes, Motifs and Symbols which are one of the major and that could be easily identified in the novel The Catcher in the Ray by J. D. Salinger. Salinger portrays all of society to be bad, and for many character's isolation from society is the only way to achieve happiness. The pond is in transition between two states, just as Holden is in transition between childhood and adulthood. They argued that Salinger's concerns represented an entire generation of American youth, frustrated by the phoniness of the world, just like Holden was. Holden believes childhood is very. Holden tears the composition up and throws it away angrily. The reader wants to know not only what happened but how it all ended and what it all meant. In New Zealand there was a book called Pounamu Pounamu by Witi Ihimaera. What did holden write stadlater's composition about in The Catcher in the Rye? Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. Why does Holden wear the red hunting hat? He alludes to his behavior almost in passing, saying that he slept in the garage on the night of Allies death and broke all the windows with his bare hands, just for the hell of it. He tried to break the car windows as well, but could not because his hand was already fractured from smashing the garage windows. Lexical cohesion is a relation that exists between or among specific elements of different sentences in a text and is achieved through the vocabulary. There are also expressions that are used in American English only, such as most of the slangy utterances mentioned above.[13]. Latest answer posted February 26, 2021 at 10:56:04 AM. The lexical translation consists in expliciting through other words the denotative meaning of the phraseologism, giving up all the other style and connotation aspects. Focused on some of Holdens linguistic repetitions and their importance, as well as on Salingers humor and comic effects and their renditions in the two versions. Belonging doesnt just happen; it involves many factors and experiences. Ackley has awful teeth, which he never brushes, lots of pimples, and a lousy personality, according to Holden. Rev. In addition, the ducks prove that some vanishings are only temporary. Stuff, in reference to one's privates. You'll also receive an email with the link. Idiom generally have three characteristics: Translation is an exacting art. institutes at the university of san diego near old town above mission bay, ap english literature and composition course description from the college board ap free response open question discussion the catcher in the rye discussion august 16 Scholars equivalence of form and shape. Through his lying and deception, Holden proves that he is just as guilty of phoniness as the people he criticizes. Catcher in the Rye Essay In the novel The Catcher and the Rye by J. D. Salinger Holden believes childhood, and adulthood are completely different. His random and repeated lying highlights his own self-deceptionhe refuses to acknowledge his own shortcomings and is unwilling to consider how his behavior affects those around him.
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