Does anyone else know about it? One report comes from a witness on Reddit called universemasterOnGram, who says that he is of Native American descent and that this happened near an unspecified reservation on a camping trip when he was 13 years old. It didnt make a sound, and the way it jumped and moved was unlike any animal Ive ever seen. They had resisted Christian missionaries, remained apart from the law of the colonists, and still lived by the old ways, indeed remaining one of the only tribes still living under their own laws and traditions, but nothing can last forever, and in 1907, the Canadian government decided to investigate the claims that this man Jack Fiddler was waging a war against cannibalistic spirits. He uses this skill to lure people in and draw them away from civilization. That feeling is undeniable once you are familiar with it. Once he has infiltrated their minds, he can turn them into wendigos as well, instilling upon them a similar lust for human flesh. Since that night I havent had any other direct encounter with it, except one event that Im not sure is related but elicited that same feeling of being watched and almost felt. Originating within the myths and lore of various Algonquin-speaking tribes of Nova Scotia, the East Coast of Canada, and Great Lakes Region of Canada and in Wisconsin, United States, including such tribes as the Ojibwe, the Saulteaux, the Cree, the Naskapi, and the Innu, the monstrous entity called the Wendigo has long been feared. Bensons bar is filled with alien memorabilia, but one item steals all the glory a small glass jar filled with a murky liquid and containing something lumpy inside with black eyes. In 1896, to draw people to the Oneida County Fair, Shepard said he would exhibit a live hodag. Im of the mind that things beyond our comprehension and everyday scope absolutely do exist, and this is one I wont be messing with or going on adventures to see again. Konrad said he was greatly affected by the unexplained sighting and felt immense fear and bewilderment. He kept asking me what I saw but I couldnt answer. Konrad, who studied physics at UW-Oshkosh and spent time in the Air Force Auxiliary and working for a commercial airline, said he had never seen anything like it and couldnt think of a single known airplane or satellite that could move like that. 4. So I was out there one day and all the sudden I felt cold and uncomfortable. A Wendigo allegedly made a number of appearances near a town called Rosesu in Northern Minnesota from the late 1800's through the 1920's. Each time that it was reported, an unexpected death followed and finally, it was seen no more. The New York Times and CNN reported a government report on "UFOs" does not provide evidence of aliens, but also doesn't rule the possibility out. Sometimes these animals were disemboweled and their entrails found hanging from bushes or trees like macabre Christmas tree ornaments, and sometimes they were simply torn in half, with one of the halves missing. 3. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. King includes the Wendigo in two of his novels, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and Pet Sematary. Today it encompasses parts of state Highway 55, Highway 151, state highways 68 and 33 and Highway 18. From Side Hustle to Storefront:Meet the 25-Year-Old Badger Alum Set to Open Her First Brick-and-Mortar Bakery, Our Wisconsin Newspapers as far away as Philadelphia reported on this amazing scientific discovery. Countries have acknowledged UFOs for years, he said. These locals would encounter Rocky by their boats and along the shore where they would be traumatized once sighting the incognito beast hissing at them. Anthropologists have found hodag tales as early as 1870, originating in lumber camps. The most common reason for becoming a wendigo is if one eats human flesh. Mostly described as a gaunt, almost skeletal monstrosity standing up to 15 feet high, with sharp claws, formidable fangs, skin tightly stretched over the bones, and with animalistic features. Another report comes from Reddit user Katzaidanj, who does not specify his exact location, but assures us that it is an area where Wendigos could and have been spotted. It started with finding mutilated animals around the remote property in rather grisly fashion, including dead foxes and deer that had had their spinal columns torn out and strewn around, as well as vicious claw and teeth marks and limbs rendered from their bodies. Even evidence of marking our gate (EXCESSIVE urine). And after a month, it felt like it had gone, and it was safe to go over there again alone. All Rights Reserved. One hiker who was present said, Ive heard many different animals in the wild but nothing like this.. Im not sure what is was but my family suggests that it was my guardian angel saving me from a early death, But after that experience I have never been to the same campsite ever again, and didnt go camping for a few years after that. Even into the last century, Native Americans actively believed in, and searched for, the Wendigo. I looked at Ryan and told him to call the police. The creature known as Mothman originated around Point Pleasant, WV with multiple sightings between 1966-67. It must have been GINORMOUS however given the scale to which I saw it. The Wendigo Haunts the North During times of Cold and Starvation A much older phantom of the North Woods is found in Wendigo, an evil supernatural creature that is part of Ojibwe lore. A much older phantom of the North Woods is found in Wendigo, an evil supernatural creature that is part of Ojibwe lore. It is still terrifying to talk or think about. The whistling stopped. In lore, the creature is supposedly a gaunt, extremely tall apparition that had glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs, wicked claws, and a long tongue, often also depicted with antlers, and which was eternally en thrall to insatiable hunger, growing ever larger with each kill it made and yet never fully satiated, always skeletal and slight no matter how much it ate. A teen named Trish in The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon is faced with being hunted down by a creature of the forest depicted as a Wendigo. After feasting on another humans flesh, he transformed into a crazed man-beast, roaming the forest in search of more people to eat. They are variously described as having the ability to turn invisible, to read minds, or to mimic human voices in order to draw victims away to isolated areas, as well as shapeshifting powers and the ability to generate waves of profound fear. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Simonton died 11 years later at the age of 71. It was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The condition often develops in the harsh winters of the north when heavy snowfalls isolate individuals for long periods of time. Followher on Twitter at @AlisaMSchafer. It was long, boxey, narrow, and dark. The thing is massive. However, Wendigo creature sightings are still reported, especially in northern Ontario, near the Cave of the Wendigo, and around Kenora, where traders have allegedly spotted it, trackers and trappers for decades. Since then I havent spotted it, but I hear it. We Found Wisconsins Best Fish Fry. Wendigo in Wisconsin This is still hard for me to wrap my head around because it shook me to my core, but this story takes place just over a year ago in late November 2018. He described it as the sound it would make if someone were dragging a heavy animal or body through rough brush/woods, and he had a feeling of dread and heaviness, like he couldnt look away and was being honed in on by something. An animatronic depiction of a wendigo in a cage on display in Wendigo Woods in Busch Gardens Williamsburg. It is the most I have ever been scared and the most that adrenaline has ever flowed through me. Sightings of the Wendigo are not nearly as common as they were prior to the 20th century, but there are still reports of encountering Wendigos in the northeastern states of the U.S. and Canada. Due to isolation, severe hunger often took a toll on many victims of the northern forests of North America. Show Unexplained Encounters, Ep 9 NEW Real Skinwalker and Wendigo Sightings! It has allegedly been seen eating dead animals alongside the road, most recently in 2020. But people still wanted to see his invention and it was exhibited for years until it was destroyed by fire. They are said to possess powers such as mimicking voices, superhuman strength, mind control, weather manipulation, the generation of darkness, and the ability to create confusion and fear, as well as others. I was done. According to, a group of community leaders discussed building a UFO landing strip in Elmwood in the 1970safter a rash of UFO sightings were reported. I felt stuck and almost hypnotized by the whole thing, but came to my senses enough to call attention to my dog and turn around to head for home. Photo taken circa 2014. Others say its a colossal sturgeon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is still hard for me to wrap my head around because it shook me to my core, but this story takes place just over a year ago in late November 2018. Navigation Menu. Different versions of the wendigo legend say different things about his speed and agility. Every organization has unique strengths and weaknesses within their systems and strategies. We turned around, my eyes glued to the trees, and when we got to the middle of the houses I could see two eyes watching me through the two houses. There is a document from the Jesuit Relations that claims French missionaries stumbled upon individuals with an unknown condition to them, Wendigo psychosis. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? But when I looked onto the pathway the footprints were completely gone, and as I blinked we rounded the corner and it seemingly vanished into thin air. Wikimedia CommonsA Wendigo Manitou carving on Mount Trudee in Silver Bay, Minnesota. A wendigo is a malevolent SPIRIT that is said to invoke a Insatiable desire to cannibalize and or murder others often times depicted as half human/half beast with antlers and a foul smell. What lips it had were tattered and bloody Unclean and suffering from suppurations of the flesh, the Wendigo gave off a strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption.. They nevertheless stayed at the camp, as it was a trip they had been planning for months, and on the second to last day something very bizarre would unfold, of which the witness says: Although, these occurrences were a disturbance it did not deter us from staying for the final two days as we had been planing it for months, but one experience years ago on the day right before our departure, still haunts me to this day. Though their legend has changed over the years, many of their main characteristics are fairly steady-and sightings of them continue to roll in . The Wendigo has been described in various ways, with traditional descriptions of the creature slightly differing from modern-day interpretations. It was first reported in 1893 to have had the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end. Some anthropologists also argue that wendigo stories especially those involving wendigo accusations are linked to stress within the Native American communities. I'd say a sea serpent or some giant eel. Some legends claim that the Wendigo also never stops growing and will get bigger each time it eats. Many people in the regions where the Wendigo legends were most popular still believe that Wendigos roam the dark forests, waiting to prey on their next . The Highway 18/151 bypass around Ridgeway long had a view down a valley to a dilapidated house that was rumored to be the home of the ghost. wendigo sightings wisconsin. The origins of the Wendigo legend that created cannibalistic terror in North America. But no matter which version sounds the most plausible, this is obviously not a creature youd want to run into on a hike. Yet, looking at some scattered accounts in modern times, it seems that people are still having harrowing encounters with alleged Wendigos, and here we will look at a selection of some of these. Sightings of the Wendigo are not nearly as common as they were prior to the 20th century, but there are still reports of encountering Wendigos in the northeastern states of the U.S. and Canada. The Story Behind the Special Wisconsin Cheese Back on Sale, Old World Wisconsin Provides a Historical Home for the Holidays, A Landmark Farm Enjoys New Life as a Community Education Center with a Focus on Healthy Food, The 5 Hottest Majors at the University of Wisconsin Right Now, 8 Cheese Factories You Can Visit in Wisconsin. Although things started off normally, it all got rather strange when several odd occurrences began to unfold. According to Susie, at first she thought the light in the sky could be a lightning bug, but both of them had a feeling they were being spied on by the light. They thought he was a credible witness.. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Rock Star Richey Manic and His Mysterious 1995 Disappearance: A Book Reviewed, Mexico's President Reveals Photo of Mythical Maya Elf, Mysterious Mermaid Mummy in Japanese Temple Has Finally Been Identified, Mysterious Flying Fanged Creature That Separates Into Two Parts Reported in the Philippines. Such tales abounded, and the tribes who feared the Wendigo took all of this very seriously. Wendigo psychosis symptoms are often associated with delusions of turning into a monstrous Wendigo, poor appetite, fear of or becoming cannibalistic, and nausea and vomiting. With Wisconsins creepy history, there is sure to never be a shortage of scary monsters to tell of. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? I heard it land but it either jumped an impossible distance or landed in a thicket because I heard it but never saw. Two consecutive notes with the same three to four second gap and then two more consecutive notes. In the 1980s, several people reported that the beast attacked their cars and trucks, leaving long scratch marks. Now this is the part I will never forget. The "creature" of Native American legend that is said to be a disturbingly thin and gaunt individual that has ice in its veins and forever craves the taste of human flesh. I live in a rural suburb in SE WI near a line of woods and ponds. What Is The Wendigo? If theres one thing we do know its that there is a lot of mystery shrouded in this beast, many fishermen continue to track the creature in hopes of catching it one day and proving its existence. Within the region, Fiddler was nearly legendary as a powerful shaman and healer, attributed with vast supernatural abilities such as the power to shapeshift, conjure up animal spirits, chase away evil spirits, deflect spells, and many others, but he was most well known as a Wendigo hunter. Bensons Hide-A-Way, a tavern in Campbellsport, is the self-proclaimed UFO Headquarters in Wisconsin, where people can report their UFO sightings to the owner, Bill Benson. Whether these flying objects are from a different world, a different country or something else altogether,those who've seen them agreethere is something happening in the skies above that we do not understand. 27 REAL Wendigo Sightings (COMPILATION) Darkness Prevails 650K subscribers Subscribe Share 459K views 3 months ago The wendigo might be more than legend as folks continue to sight this. fear and loathing in las vegas adrenochrome scene. I threw up and sprinted back up to the house with my cat, and avoided the creek for ages, though weirdly I felt quite certain that whatever that thing was, it couldn't cross running water. This had sent horrendous chills down my spine, So I ran the fastest Ive ever had back towards the campsite, while I heard the twigs and leaves crunching behind me. At Wendigo Advisors, we cater to our client's specific multifaceted compliance and financial needs in an increasingly challenging regulatory and business environment. These mounds were believed to have been created by the Aztalan natives when the lakes water levels were much lower. This werewolf cryptid has had several sightings in the 1990s with local newspapers reporting on the topic and even eventually gaining some national news attention as the most popular werewolf sighting in the U.S. It also has historical significance for many Indigenous communities. And Im not really to athletic but Im not mega weak. The legend of the Wendigo is common folklore amongst Algonquian-speaking tribes and also resembles other creatures in Native American folklore, such as the Kee-wakw and Chenoo which are described as cannibalistic monsters. The entire street was silent, as most streets are at 4 a.m. Konrad was gazing up at the stars, an endless reminder of the vastness of the universe, when four small dots of light caught his attention. They searched for a good, secluded area to set up camp for a planned two-night stay, got everything set up, and after a day of hiking and exploring the Jacks River the trip seemed to be off to a great start. Ive made a point to only walk my dog during the daylight during the summer months, and on the connecting street that is the main road of my town that is at least lit with streetlights in the winter when it gets dark before Im even home from work. The fear I felt was incredible. ContactAlisa Schafer [email protected]. I had finally reached the campsite when the footsteps suddenly stopped, I was relieved and slumped over to the cabin stairs when I slipped on a rock slipping out of the makeshift fire, it had caused me to head straight into it. Wisconsin Downtowns: Eau Claire, Green Bay, La Crosse & Oshkosh, Visiting Eagle River Throughout the Seasons, Its All About Oulu: Past, Present & Future, Discovering the Hidden Gems of Wisconsin with Best Western, The History & Legends of Jefferson County. One of Lewis' favorite stories about an encounter with aliens takes place in Eagle River. For context: I love the supernatural, paranormal, and true crime. Into the days of settlers there were many cases of even the white man coming across these abominations, and the creatures were often blamed for missing persons. Now I know what your wondering, could I have been dehydrated or having hallucinations. 2. Marinette County Bigfoot Hotspots. A crawler is a Real flesh and blood creature who is entirely human looking in form albeit alot skinnier and lankier. In April 2020, the Pentagon released three unclassified videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena. One video was recorded in November 2004 and two were recorded in January 2015. Wendigo or not, it is very creepy, to say the least. Perhaps this can be attributed to the notion that he is never satisfied with his cannibalistic urges. The native story tells of a great mountain that floats in the western sky where thunderbirds gather. Camping season is in full bloom. What lips it had were tattered and . Subscribe Today! With its bones pushing out over its skin, its complexion the ash gray of death, and its eyes pushed back deep into the sockets, the Wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave. After Billions in Investment, Self-Driving Cars Are Still More Hype Than Reality, Mark Zuckerbergs Desperate Attempts to Make VR the Next Big Thing Are Failing Hard, How Scientists Are Edging Closer to Making Fusion Energy a Reality. However, when the U.S. government released the videos of UFOs in 2020, it was all but lost in the headlines of COVID-19 and the presidential election. It was all very unsettling, indeed, but it was about to graduate into the horrifying. Obsessed with hunting for new victims, he is forever hungry until hes eating another person. So I turned around and saw a large creature about 80 yards from me standing across the stream. - Jan 17, 2023 For them it was beyond mere lore and legend, but rather a very real threat, something that lurked in the shadows and had to be dealt with. It is not a colossal sturgeon. Travelers along this misty stretch of highway would report seeing lights and a strange lone figure patrolling the road. Instead of running away, Simonton took the container and filled it with water from his tap. Im fully convinced that what I saw that night had to have been a Wendigo. Thats when the whistling started. Press J to jump to the feed. Others say he walks in a more haggard manner, as if he is falling apart. Since the wendigo is said to be a cold-weather creature, most sightings have been reported in Canada, as well as colder northern states in the U.S. like Minnesota. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? Watch Discover Wisconsin TV Saturday mornings at 10 on Fox Sports Wisconsin. Is it ultra-terrestrial? I've often wondered if this could be a wendigo. The tribes would perform a ceremonial dance during harsh weather conditions and times of famine, which reinforces the seriousness of the Wendigo folklore legend. Over and over again. Modern interpretations often depict the monster as a tall, man-like figure with a stag head or skull with antlers and a decomposing flesh body, sometimes covered in hair. RitualxSuicide 7 mo. Normally Im the type of person that would go out and look for myself, maybe even going down by the pond to explore and find something, but this case shuts all of that down. The presence and overall weight of the feeling this whole encounter gave me still sticks with me as clearly as the night it happened; I can remember it all so vividly and still feel the weight. So this tall, lanky creature is standing there and I cant see its face but by its positioning I know it has noticed me, also. The report failed to offer firm explanations for many of the questions that raised the report's profile in the first place, such as whether UFOspose a national security threat or whether they offer evidenceof extraterrestrial life. What lips it had were tattered and bloody Unclean and suffering from suppurations of the flesh, the Wendigo gave off a strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition, of death and corruption. The strangest part about Susie's story is that once the object landed, she and her daughter's friend moved on with their discussion, almost like they had forgotten what had happened moments before. I ran back to where Ryan was and sat down. But there are also more to know about. Hes traveled as far as Romania and South America and has written dozens of books on topics such as the wendigo legends, lake monstersand haunted tour guides for seven U.S. states. These shamans were highly sought after and revered, and one of the most famous and feared of these Wendigo hunters was the man known as Zhauwuno-geezhigo-gaubow, or he who stands in the southern sky.. Both traditional and modern descriptions indicate that the Wendigo also has glowing eyes, yellow fangs, and a long tongue. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Scare Yourself Senseless at These Haunted Wisconsin Attractions, $209 a pound?! At first, he thought he was seeing a satellite in the sky, or perhaps the International Space Station, until he realized it was moving in the wrong direction. Ryan looked at me and asked if I was hearing that. At the turn of the 20th century, the Algonquian tribes blamed many unsolved disappearances of people on wendigo attacks. Shepard reported that it had the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end.. All names of the Wendigo translate to evil spirit that devours mankind. Mostly I am wondering if anything of this description and presence has been encountered before, especially in Texas. One night I was walking my dogaround 10:30pm I thinkwhen I saw something on the front lawn of one of these houses. Like I was being watched. Yes, the entire city of Whitewater is considered one whole hot spot for the paranormal and unusual. In this way, it seemed as if they meant to make an example of Fiddler and his brother, and although there was little cooperation among the tribe members and few willing to testify against the brothers, they were still found guilty. Originally the lake was referred to as Mde Wakan or Bad Spirit Lake by the local Nakota Sioux for its deep, cold, and salt-infested waters. Northern lights gleam green and purple above Wisconsin. Then things got bizarre rather quickly, of which the witness says: I remember we both pulled out our flashlights and shown it in the direction we felt the sounds were coming from but that is what was so weird. According to the La Crosse Tribune, Simonton was a plumber who, in April 1961, was making lunch in his kitchen when he saw something large come down from the sky into his yard. Wisconsin Wendigo Sightings Featured on In Search of Monsters The Wendigo as seen on Travel Channel series In Search of Monsters According to Native American legend, the wendigo is a horrifying, cannibalistic creature that dwells in the forests and waters of the Great Lakes region, hunting for its next human meal. Many times, I think I have a theory to explain some of these things, and I'll receive a new case that puts me right back to square one.. I live in a rural suburb in SE WI near a line of woods and ponds. To truly understand these terrifying tales, one must first perhaps know what a Wendigo actually is traditionally said to be and represent. The player must survive the Wendigo and get rid of the curse in order to beat the game. Then I kinda felt like someone was really looking at me. 6 Creepy Cryptids That Call Wisconsin Home. In that same street I saw a lady in white in the dead cold in a skirt just strolling down the street a couple days before.. Did. The lore of the Wendigo, which is often ominously translated as the evil spirit that devours mankind, varies slightly from tribe to tribe, but it is always seen as a malevolent creature with an intense, uncontrollable perpetual hunger for human flesh, and often said to possess the minds of others in order to drive them to cannibalism. According to the book Rewriting Apocalypse in Canadian Fiction, wendigo stories were once viewed as an illustration of the violent and primitive nature of the very people telling those stories. At this point in the transformation, it was seen as beyond the point of using rituals or ceremonies, and that a shaman was needed to battle the creature, put it to death, and consecrate the corpse. Since the wendigo is said to be a cold-weather creature, most sightings have been reported in Canada, as well as colder northern states in the U.S. like Minnesota. As long as there have been demons and monsters in our world and those who believe in them, there have been those willing to fight them. The cannibalistic forest creature is known for allegedly appearing in harsh winter conditions and cold seasons, preying upon humans in an attempt to satisfy its never-ending hunger for human flesh. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. The player meets the Wendigo at a cave and must fight off the Wendigo boss in order to complete the mission. Written By Under those circumstances, who could blame them for having a fear of starvation? One of the aliens held a container and gestured to Simonton to fill it up. Strong evidence shows these creatures no longer exist but fossil records say massive birds were likely residing in North America during the early periods of human history. Today we are going to look at some of Wisconsins most interesting cryptid stories from around the state that you can use to add to your catalogue of spooky tales. In the early 20th century one such fighter of demons would take his last battle before succumbing to the invasion of the modern world and the death of traditions. Could this be some sort of other creature like a Sasquatch, even a supernatural entity such as a Skinwalker? So I start walking at first I was waking out of the woods like I was on someones yard and they had told me to get off, not a fast pace but moving with a purpose you know. Has anyone ever witnessed a sky Cryptid before???? However, rather than say they believed Simontons story, the Air Force investigators claimed he was suffering from cabin fever or loneliness and imagined the whole encounter. Wendigo Sightings In Canada and Northern parts of the United States where Algonquian-speaking tribes live, wendigo sightings were reported by both Native Americans and white settlers. The beast is purported to run on all fours while chasing deer, but can also stand on its hind legs and kneel like a human. This was seen as a constant threat, and turning into a Wendigo or being possessed by one was seen by the Natives of these lands as a fate worse than death. In certain cultures wendigo are depicted as humanoid, but with pale skin like a corpse. In return, the aliens gave him a handful of pancakes. The 5 Hottest Majors at the University of Wisconsin Right Now, Business So, Wendigo in my neighborhood, lets not meet. Many are skeptical of its existence and others say that it has been confused as other folklore monsters such as a Wisconsin Bigfoot or a wendigo. FlickrAn animatronic depiction of a wendigo in a cage on display in Wendigo Woods in Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Hespends his recreational time with family and friends going camping, attending rock festivals, and running his own podcast Virden Interviews. People come from all over to see this, he told a reporter from the Fond du Lac Reporter in 2016.
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